Prayer Neighbors carry the light and love of Jesus to where they live by humbly praying for, caring about, and encouraging one another and neighbors in need.

Why Join Prayer Neighbors?

Reason #1

People are hurting. Us too at times. Financial stress, family challenges, health worries are just a few of the reasons why our neighbors need our care and our prayer in the name of Jesus. Our neighborhoods should be different because we live there.

Reason #2

We are meant to be sent. We go to church so that we can be sent from church to carry the light and love to the world in which we live. Prayer Neighbors is an easy way to carry out our mission as disciples of Christ to bear much fruit and bring glory to God.

Reason #3

Jesus commanded us to love one another as he loved us. That radically selfless way of living begins in basic friendship, leads to a simple offer of prayer support, and sometimes opens the door to encourage others in their own faith journey.


#1. Find Another

Find at least one other Christian in your neighborhood who will meet with you monthly as a small team and pray for others along with you.

#2. Huddle Monthly

Begin to meet monthly and pray for each other as well as those in need in your neighborhood, known or not known

#3. Offer to Pray

When learning of specific neighbors in need of prayer, ask if you and your prayer neighbors can pray for them.

#4. Invite Others

Invite other neighbors to join your team as you get to know them and sense that they are interested.

#5. Put It Out There

Get the word out more widely about the presence of Prayer Neighbors and the opportunity to join through mailbox invitation cards, mailbox magnets, and social media.

#6. Stay Connected

Use the Prayer Neighbors Flocknote e-comms platform to invite to monthly Prayer Neighbor Huddles, share prayer requests, and updates as appropriate.

Find Out How To Join Or Start A Prayer Neighbor's Huddle

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A Message from Thomas Sonni, Founder of Prayer Neighbors

I know how much I have relied on the prayer of others for me and those I love throughout my life. I have witnessed firsthand that prayer is powerful. I started Prayer Neighbors from a heartfelt need to live my own faith more consciously and encourage my own neighbors more meaningfully.

I have a great passion for the strengthening the Body of Christ. Prayer Neighbors is a way that Christians across congregational boundaries can be one in living our faith and loving one another as Jesus did. Please pray with me that the Holy Spirit leads this work to bear much fruit through humble, loving, and joyful hearts for the glory of God.

You are needed. You are meant to be sent. Pray. Care. Encourage. You can do it. To ask questions or learn more, contact us.

Questions & Answers About Prayer Neighbors

The vision for Prayer Neighbors is people joining together in every neighborhood to pray for, care about, and encourage one another in the powerful and loving name of Jesus.

Prayer Neighbors is one answer to God’s dream that his disciples love one another as He loved them, chosen by Him to go and bear fruit that will last.
“As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
(Jn 20:21)

I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me.
(Jn 17:20-21)

You are the light of the world. Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.
(Mt 5:14,16)

I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.
(Jn 13:34-35)

Encourage one another.
(1Thes 5:11)

You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
(Mt 22:29)
Prayer Neighbors is not designed to replace the local church and all the blessings that membership in a local church bring. Here are several important principles for Prayer Neighbors:

Powered by God’s love, respect people’s differences in faith tradition, practice, and belief.

Commit to discretion and confidentiality as circumstances are shared. Accept that, like themselves, neighbors aren’t perfect people, and they deserve grace and mercy in the love of Jesus.

Build openness for faith as something important that is ok to share with those who welcome it.

Be humble in recognizing that the focus of Prayer Neighbors is to pray, care and encourage others, knowing it is the Holy Spirit who is working to bear fruit in ways we cannot always see.
Here are the highly actionable steps to begin and build Prayer Neighbors where you live:

1. Find at least one other Christian in your neighborhood who will meet with you monthly as a small team and pray for others along with you.

2. Begin to meet monthly and pray for each other as well as those in need in your neighborhood, known or not known.

3. When learning of specific neighbors in need of prayer, ask if you and your prayer neighbors can pray for them.

4. Invite other neighbors to join your team as you get to know them and sense that they are interested.

5. Get the word out more widely about the presence of Prayer Neighbors and the opportunity to join through mailbox invitation cards, mailbox magnets, and social media.

6. Use the Prayer Neighbors Flocknote e-comms platform to invite to monthly Prayer Neighbor Huddles, share prayer requests, and updates as appropriate.
The Lord works through communities of faithful disciples that first model and mirror God’s love to one another. Prayer Neighbors come together in one of their homes for 45 to 60 minutes once each month. The purpose of the Prayer Neighbors Huddle is to develop and deepen the bond of friendship in Christ. The typical format for a Prayer Huddle is:

some brief social time, personal sharing about intentions that each might have, praying for those intentions and neighbor needs in general, and discussion about how to develop and deepen friendship with other neighbors

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